This collects assorted comments, rules of thumb, and benchmarks related to performance: how much resource various things take to do various amounts of work.

In general there are no special hardware or cluster requirements. The cluster resource requirements will be driven primarily by Spark-based jobs, which tend to be memory-intensive and occasionally CPU-intensive, but not generally I/O-bound. If data ingest rate is very high, Kafka may need some special consideration. In both cases, there is nothing different about sizing these from any other Kafka / Spark job.

Data Transport

Since Kafka is the underlying data transport, the storage require to ingest and store messages is just that of Kafka. See Kafka performance figures for information. In general, Kafka is not nearly a bottleneck and can be sized like any other usage of Kafka.

Native BLAS Acceleration

Note that some parts of Spark and Oryx can use a native implementation of BLAS, a linear algebra library, to accelerate some operations. This integration is enabled by a library called netlib-java.

Because some dependencies of netlib-java are licensed under an open source license that is materially different from this project’s license (GPL, instead of Apache License 2.0), this support is not built in to the Oryx distribution.

It can be enabled however by building Oryx with the -Pnetlib flag.

If using a standard distribution of Oryx that’s not built this way, it can also be enabled by building the support into your application. To do so, add this dependency to your application’s pom.xml file, where matches the one specified by Oryx and Spark:


 Batch Layer

The Batch Layer’s particular role is model building, and the element that is of most interest to benchmark are likely the model building processes implemented in the app tier, on top of MLlib. Here again, the resources required to build a model over a certain amount of data are just that of the underlying MLlib implementations of ALS, k-means and decision forests.

Any performance tuning or benchmarks for MLlib will be valid for the Batch Layer’s pre-made implementations on MLlib, and there is nothing different to know for Oryx.

JVM Tuning

Choosing the number of Spark executors, cores and memory is a topic in its own right.

More executors means, naturally, more cores and memory. The number should not exceed the number of machines in the cluster; it can be less. See oryx.batch.streaming.num-executors.

More cores means potentially more parallel processing. You can observe the number of tasks and thus inherent parallelism in the Spark UI of a Batch layer run. Beyond this count, more cores doesn’t add parallelism. Fewer is OK and simply increases the run time. Of course, enough cores should be available to get the batch process completed comfortably within the batch interval. The number of cores is configured by oryx.batch.streaming.executor-cores.

If your jobs are running out of memory, the driver or executors may need more memory. More memory may be helpful if you notice in the “Storage” tab of your batch layer that some cached RDDs show as less than 100% cached. See oryx.batch.streaming.executor-memory.

The --jvm-args flag to can be used to set JVM memory parameters for all JVM processes. For example, -XX:+UseG1GC is a good default garbage collection setting.

Serving Layer

The REST API is powered by Tomcat. Its configuration is not exposed to the user, but is already reasonably tuned internally for its workload. The Tomcat container itself introduces little overhead and is not a concern for performance.

What is likely of interest is performance of CPU-intensive app tier implementations provided in the project, rather than the framework itself.

 Benchmark: Alternating Least Squares Recommendation

Since most operations in the ALS app Serving Layer are performed on a huge matrix in memory in real-time, this app is the most challenging to scale. General rules of thumb follow below.

To run similar benchmarks, use LoadBenchmark, which has some configuration parameters:

mvn -DskipTests -Pnetlib clean install
mvn -Pbenchmark -Pnetlib \
 -Doryx.test.als.benchmark.users=1000000 \
 -Doryx.test.als.benchmark.items=5000000 \
 -Doryx.test.als.benchmark.features=250 \
 -Doryx.test.als.benchmark.lshSampleRate=0.3 \
 -Doryx.test.als.benchmark.workers=2 \
 integration-test \
 -pl app/oryx-app-serving


  • Memory requirements scale linearly with (users + items) x features
  • GC settings like -XX:+UseStringDeduplication help a lot (reflected below)
  • At scale, 1M users or items ~= 500-1000M of heap required, depending on features

Example steady-state heap usage:

Features Users+Items (M) Heap (MB)
50 2 1400
50 6 2600
50 21 7500
250 2 3000
250 6 7500
250 21 25800

Request Latency, Throughput

  • Recommend and similarity computation time scales linearly with items x features
  • A single request is parallelized across CPUs; max throughput and minimum latency is already achieved at about 1-2 concurrent requests
  • Locality sensitive hashing decreases processing time roughly linearly; 0.33 ~= 1/0.33 ~= 3x faster (setting too low adversely affects result quality)

Below are representative throughput / latency measurements for the /recommend endpoint using
a 32-core Intel Xeon 2.3GHz (Haswell), OpenJDK 8 and flags -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:NewRatio=9 -XX:+UseStringDeduplication. Heap size was comfortably large enough for the data set in each case. The tests were run with 1-3 concurrent request at a time, as necessary to achieve near-full CPU utilization.

With LSH (sample rate = 0.3)

Features Items (M) Throughput (qps) Latency (ms)
50 1 437 7
250 1 160 12
50 5 91 21
250 5 37 54
50 20 25 79
250 20 7 134

Without LSH (sample rate = 1.0)

Features Items (M) Throughput (qps) Latency (ms)
50 1 70 28
250 1 24 40
50 5 16 57
250 5 6 181
50 20 4 257
250 20 1 668

JVM Tuning

Running the Serving layer(s) on machines with more available cores generally means more requests can be served in parallel. In the case of ALS, some requests like /recommend can use multiple cores in one request.

Memory requirements are dominated by the need to load a model in memory. For large models like ALS this may mean ensuring that the Serving layer memory setting is comfortably high enough to hold the model without GC thrashing. See oryx.serving.memory.

-XX:NewRatio=9 (or values thereabout) devote much more of the heap to storing long-lived objects that don’t need garbage collection much. This is true of serving layers holding mostly large, long-lived data structures. -XX:+UseG1GC remains a good garbage collection setting to supply with --jvm-args.
-XX:+UseStringDeduplication can reduce memory requirements by about 20%.

Speed Layer

The Speed layer driver process is as memory-hungry as the Serving layer since it also loads a model into memory. The memory of the driver process, controlled by oryx.speed.streaming.driver-memory, may need to be set like the Serving layer memory, and may benefit from the same JVM flags.

It is also a Spark Streaming job and so needs executors configures like the Batch layer. However, there is generally much less processing done by the Speed layer’s executors, but at a much lower latency requirement.

Executors will have to be sized to consume input Kafka partitions fully in parallel; the number of cores times number of executors should be at least the number of Kafka partitions.

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